
来自医学百科讨论2014年1月26日 (日) 05:32的版本 (以“常见骨科和创伤外伤疾病(diseases of orthopedics and trauma)名称中英文对照: •complete (incomplete, closed, open, habitual, pathologic) dislocation...”为内容创建页面)
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常见骨科和创伤外伤疾病(diseases of orthopedics and trauma)名称中英文对照:

•complete (incomplete, closed, open, habitual, pathologic) dislocation[完全性(不完全性,闭合,开放,习惯性,病理性)脱位

•dislocation of elbow (hip) joint [肘(髋)关节脱位

•dislocation of shoulder[肩关节脱位

•closed (open, compression, epiphysial, stress, impacted, multiple, pathological)fracture[闭合性(开放性,压缩性,骨骺疲劳,嵌入性,多发性,病理性)骨折

•fracture of humeral shaft (head)[肱骨干(头)骨折]

•fracture of scapula[肩胛骨骨折

•clavicular fracture [锁骨骨折

•Smith fracture [史密斯骨折]

•fracture of the femoral neck (shaft) [股骨颈(干)骨折]

•fracture of patella [髌骨骨折

•fracture of sacrum (coccyx,pubis)[骶骨尾骨耻骨)骨折]

•acute (chronic, pyogenic) osteomyelitis[急(慢,化脓)性骨髓炎

•bone tuberculosis [骨结核

•rheumatoid (traumatic) arthritis [类风湿外伤性)性关节炎




•genu varum (valgum)[膝内(外)翻]

•wry neck (torticollis)[斜颈

•spina bifida manifesta(occulta)[显(隐)性脊柱裂

•syndactylia (polydactylia) [并(多)指(趾)]

•flat foot [平足]


•aseptic necrosis[无菌坏死

•scapulohumeral periarthritis[肩周炎

•rupture of tendon[肌腱断裂]

•neurological (skin, soft tissue, vascular) injury[神经皮肤,软组织,血管)损伤]

•ischemic contracture[缺血性肌挛缩

•tennis player`s elbow[网球运动员肘]

•synovitis (bursitis)[滑膜(滑囊)炎]

•ligamentous sprain (strain, avulsion tear)[韧带扭伤劳损撕脱伤撕裂伤)]

•seperation of the symphysis pubis [耻骨联合分离]

•fragility of bone[脆骨病]

•osteoma (chondroma)[骨(软骨)瘤]

•osteochondroma (osteoid osteoma)[骨软骨瘤骨样骨瘤)]

•bone cyst[骨囊肿

•osteoblastoma (osteoclastoma)[成(破)骨细胞瘤]


•giant-cell tumor of bone[骨巨细胞瘤

•osteosarcoma (chondrosarcoma)[(软)骨肉瘤

•fibrosarcoma of bone[骨纤维肉瘤


•multiple myeloma(MM)[多发性骨髓瘤

•metastatic tumor of bone[转移性骨肿瘤

•congenital deformity[先天性畸形

•Marfan`s syndrome [马凡氏综合征

•obstetic (cerebral) palsy[产伤性(大脑性)瘫]


•ankylosing spondylitis[强直性脊柱炎

•cervical spondylosis[颈椎病

•chondrophyte [软骨疣]

•disc degeneration [椎间盘退行性病变]

•degenerative joint disease[退行性关节病变]

•frozen shoulder[冻肩]




•carpal tunnel syndrome[腕管综合征


•trigger finger[板机指]


•Kaschin-Back disease[大骨节病


•cold(paravertebral, psoas, soft tissue, sub-periosteal)abscess[冷(椎旁,腰大肌,软组织,骨膜下)脓肿

•contusion (sprain, abrasion, concussion, avulsion, laceration)[挫(扭,擦,震荡,撕脱,裂)伤]

•crush (cold) injury [挤压(冻)伤]

•punctured (penetrating, perforating, incised) wound [刺(穿入,贯通,割)伤]


•tetanus [破伤风

•snake bite[蛇咬伤

•first (second, third) degree burn[一(二,三)度烧伤

•electric (chemical) burn[电(化学)烧伤]

•fracture of skull[颅骨骨折

•cerebral concussion (contusion)[脑震荡挫伤)]

•open(closed) trauma[开放(闭合)性外伤]

•intestinal trauma (injury)[肠外伤]

•liver (pancreas) injury[肝(胰腺)外伤]

•rupture of spleen(kidney)[脾(肾)破裂]