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模板:Infobox disease 流行性脑炎甲型脑炎是一种非典型的脑炎,又称为嗜睡性脑炎(但不是由采采(tsetse fly)传播的非洲昏睡症)。此病最先由神经学家Constantin von Economo于1917年报告。[1][2] 此病影响大脑,令一些病人不能说话,甚至不能移动。[3] 在1915年到1926年间,[4] 该疾病曾经发生全球性的大流行;而之后只有零星个案而没有再爆发。[5][6]


流行性脑炎的症状为发高烧喉咙痛头痛、重影(Double vision)、动作及思想迟缓、日夜巅倒(sleep inversion), 紧张症(catatonia)和疲劳[3]。一些急症病人可能进入类似昏迷的状态。病人的眼也可能出现不正常的运动、[7]柏金逊症(parkinsonism)、上半身无力肌肉痛手震颈部僵硬和行动变异(如思觉失调)。






Encephalitis lethargica. Its sequelae and treatment - Constantin Von Economo, 1931:封面
  1. 模板:WhoNamedIt
  2. K. von Economo. Encepahlitis lethargica. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, May 10, 1917, 30: 581-585. Die Encephalitis lethargica. Leipzig and Vienna, Franz Deuticke, 1918.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Dale RC, Church AJ, Surtees RA, et al.. Encephalitis lethargica syndrome: 20 new cases and evidence of basal ganglia autoimmunity. Brain. 2004, 127 (Pt 1): 21–33. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 14570817. 
  4. 模板:DorlandsDict
  5. Stryker Sue B.. Encephalitis lethargica: the behavior residuals. Training School Bulletin, 22 (1925): 152–7. 
  6. Reid AH, McCall S, Henry JM, Taubenberger JK. Experimenting on the past: the enigma of von Economo's encephalitis lethargica. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol.. 2001, 60 (7): 663–70. PMID 11444794. 
  7. Vilensky JA, Goetz CG, Gilman S. Movement disorders associated with encephalitis lethargica: a video compilation. Mov. Disord.. January 2006, 21 (1): 1–8. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 16200538. 
  8. McCall S, Vilensky JA, Gilman S, Taubenberger JK. The relationship between encephalitis lethargica and influenza: a critical analysis. J. Neurovirol.. May 2008, 14 (3): 177–85. Error: Bad DOI specified模板:Namespace detect showall. PMID 18569452. PMC 2778472. 

